While that lush bouquet of red roses is still as good of a gift as ever for that special someone, these days, people are exploring other options when it comes to gift giving. Edible arrangements are a huge trend growing in popularity everyday, and for good reason. With people striving to lead healthier, more active lifestyles, a gift that serves the purpose of aesthetic, as well as health, is a brilliant idea. The next time you celebrate a birthday, anniversary, holiday or other special event, consider an edible arrangement as an alternative to the traditional floral bouquet. Here are a few fabulous ideas to get you started.edible bouquet

Types of Edible Fruits Bouquets

Delicious chocolate strawberries aren’t just for Valentine’s Day. These sweet treats make for a fabulous gift all year ‘round. Whether for a birthday, an office treat or a special occasion like a baby shower, edible flowers are a sweet gift, literally. All of the appeal of a floral bouquet, but with a nutritious snack included, edible bouquets are ideal if you’ve grown tired of the same classic stems.

Edible bouquets don’t need to be elaborate to be effective. Just a few scrumptious stems can be enough to render your recipient speechless. Use fruits bouquets  like watermelons and melons to form petals, then use blueberries for the center and grapes as greenery for the vase. This bold burst of color is just perfect for brightening up any room.

edible bouquetsWhile the typical edible arrangement can include delicious chocolate-covered fruits, you can go above and beyond and request colorful sprinkles to adorn your bouquet. Not only do they add an enticing splash of color, but they’re fun and tasty enough for children to get in on the fun, too. This type of yummy edible bouquet is ideal for the spring and summer months. Fruit is the popular choice when it comes to edible arrangements, sure, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with vegetables, too!

Edible Bouquets Ideas

If you’re not too keen on fruits Bouquets disguised as flowers, the classic fruit basket & fruits Bouquets  is a great choice for a number of occasions. Perfect for a housewarming, celebrating a new job, or as a “thank you” for a service, fruit baskets show great consideration.

While flowers are a safe choice for showcasing your generous side, you don’t need to stick to fresh blooms to get your message across. From edible arrangements to fruit baskets, there are a number of ways to say you care.fruits bouquet