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Here's we have flowers & gifts options for you

Online Flower delivery in India

Book your flowers online for same day online flower delivery in India. Highest Positive Reviews over internet and has 7 day support for our customers.

Shop Roses Online

At MayaFlowers India, we focus on expressing those very sentiments in the plushest of extra ordinary floral arrangements infused with the care to express your feeling for receiver.

Buy Roses


Our expert florists ensure your flowers are fresh for 7 days and are of the best quality available around the world.

Flower Bouquet


MayaFlowers is rated as "GOOD to EXCELLENT" by its customers for quality & presentation of flower bouquets and overall delivery experience.

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Best Online Flower Delivery in India

Where does this intel come from? Well, the credit goes to over 8 years of experience in delivering online flowers and making people smile! The MayaFlowers, the leading online flower shop brings you options galore to let the love bloom, and hearts smile. The team has seen people smiling, forgiving and letting go with flowers deliveries. The team has its share of tears of joy, when it delivers Mother’s Day bouquets and cakes! The wedding floral arrangement by MayaFlowers has become talk of the town and envy of all singles! Though, the team refrains from taking any credit for the final push to get them married just because of those gorgeous floral centerpieces and bouquets!

Buy Finest Flowers Online in India

The curated section at MayaFlowers caters to both aspect of joy and sadness for, they make life and humans, more humane!  So, while it has a birthday section that includes the likes of flower bouquets made of roses, gerbera, daisies, tulips and orchids, completed with personalized message, teddy bears and greeting cards, a section also deals with the sorrow of farewells, trying to help the bereaved family to come to the terms of its irreparable loss.

The online presence of MayaFlowers facilitates anytime and anywhere bookings. If you are out of the country and still want to make your presence felt to an occasion, you can book flowers online for India and get them delivered at your preferred address.

Online Flowers Delivery with #1 Online Florist in India

Choose your pick category-wise or go for bestsellers, which is an exclusive section based on the real-time ratings and reviews of users. Order from the comforts of your home, or office and don’t let anything, be it time or distance, stop you from conveying your emotions!

The leading online florist has also initiated corporate flower delivery programs across India.   Whether you are looking for gourmet gift baskets, fruit gift baskets or flower arrangements for the conference, workshop or any special occasion at your workplace in the India, the team undertakes it all! Moreover, the experienced team also takes on garden landscaping and office plants for the corporate houses!

Always farm-fresh, the flowers delivered in India by the team are not the routine flowers, dabbed with spray and fungicide, eventually losing out on freshness and inherent fragrance!  Always organic and cut as you order them, the flowers by MayaFlowers are meant to bring the best out of your special moments and give you the best value for your money. The premium logistics partners ensure that the delivery is always spot-on.

Same Day & Midnight Guranteed

The team understands the value of your special occasion and the efforts you put to make it all the way more special. It knows that time is of critical value for such moments and hence, MayaFlowers brings you flexible delivery options such as Midnight Delivery and Same Day Delivery, finally giving the phrase, ‘ love knows no bounds,’ a wonderful and happy meaning!  

Want more reasons to send flowers online in India! The team will be happy to assist you. Call now at 819999 3344 or send an email to us. Of course we are the top notch florist in India!


Posted by Manoj Sharma

Thanksgiving Day is just around the corner and it certainly calls for a day of feasting and gathering. It is that time of the year when people gorge on delicious...

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